Development Quiz

Turn-based or Real Time? RTS all the way!

Rounds or Respawn Timers? Timers. Rounds get waaaay too painful.

Cutscenes or Scripted Events? Mix of both. But definitely note cutscenes with "minigames" built in, a la Bourne Conspiracy. Ack.

Sliding Floor Tiles or Sliding Blocks? Sliding blocks. My nemesis!

Free To Play or Subscription Based? I'm cheap but I'm not going to subject myself to a crappy game just bec. it's free to play.

Crosshairs or Iron Sights? Crosshairs, but I do like the 'aim down the sight' game mechanic. I really don't have a preference actually.

Skill Trees or Dialogue Trees? Why not both?

Console or PC? Console all the way! I love my 'puter but not for gaming.

Coop or Multiplayer? Why not both? Multiplayer is for when your friends aren't around.

Block or Dodge? Dodge

Open World or On Rails? Open world--hence the reason that I love Bethesda's Elder Scrolls and Fallout 3. I love FPS games but I like ones that give you some tactical choices and don't funnel you down a corridor.

What is the most beautiful feature or mechanic in games? Good v. evil that results in the deformation of the character a la KOTR.

What is the most disappointing game you have ever played? Sadly, probably Halo Wars. I want to love the game and. . . I like it--but don't love it.

What is your favorite game judging solely by user-interface? That's really tough. Probably have to go with Halo 3 on that one.

What famous designer do you wish you were? Cliffy B. or shishka.

What game's world is most interesting to you? That's super tough. Call it a tie between Halo and Elder Scrolls. Though Bioshock's right there.

What game would you most like to turn into a franchise with 13 sequels? Definitely Elder Scrolls. I love Halo but I'm skeptical of any game in the series not developed by Bungie.

A Short Update

Have to go to work soon (I know, working on Sundays is a bummer) but it's time for a brief update on what I've been up to.

First off, I finished Bioshock. Wow. . . . Awesome game! Look for a full review eventually. Hey, you know me! Weak ending but still a great game. Don't know how the sequel's going to pan out. I'm pretty skeptical--probably even more than my wife.

My current main addiction is Bethesda's awesome Fallout 3. Great game! While it plays much like a shooter, at its core it's an RPG--so if you like those, buy the damn game! Now!

Buy it yet?

Because of the crappy people who stole my Xbox I've had to restart Oblivion (try number 4 now). Love the game but can only take so much at a time.

Replaying Halo 3--still love it!

Trying to finish GRAW for the first time. Pretty good game but also really methodical. Only have the patience to play for so long.

Anyways, gotta go. Peace! (or war, if that suits your fancy better)
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