Wow, it's been a while. . . .

No excuses, readers.

I knew it'd been a while, but I didn't realize until now just HOW long it had been. Sorry.

Well, actually, I suppose I do have one excuse--getting all my stuff stolen a couple weeks ago. And just been really busy fixing up my house and working on my writing. Still trying to finish the first draft. . . . Check back in a few months :P.

So, what have I been playing?

The frakking crooks took everything except my lowly PS2 (which was tucked away in the basement feeling inferior to the 360 and the PS3 :P). So I used it as an excuse to play the original Half-Life again. Not that I ever finished it the first time. Or the second. Or the third. But this time's the charm. At least, we can hope.

So, how am I enjoying such an old school title?

Despite the graphically challeneged gaming, I'm really enjoying. I'd forgotten how enjoyable a nice mixture of puzzle-solving, platforming, and FPS could be. It's a nice hybrid--one that Bioshock (my other current game, now that we've gotten everything replaced) is a good contemporary counterpart to. Two games that also have KILLER sound designs.

I'll try and be a bit more regular in the future. But no promises. Then I don't have to give any excuses. Wow, Baltar MUST be wearing off on me. . . :P

Oh, and astute readers will notice the new gamertag (with it's pathetically low gamerscore). That's because MS has been NO help with their totally FAIL Windows Live password recovery system. Ah well. I'm not one for going specifically after achievements anyways. And God knows I hardly ever play with my 'friends'.

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