New Review Criteria for Video Games

A new year brings with it a new commitment to this blog. Let's see if that keeps up. . . . But I'm sure my wife will help me, even if she has to promise me cake:

One of the games I just finished was Portal (I know, finally!), so I had to find a way to put that in. Anyways, back on task. Somewhere last night during my 'quality' time with Isaac (my newborn son) I decided it was time to update my review criteria--and then start posting reviews. Hopefully this will help focus my reviews even more, keeping them from just being long, rambling affairs.

Here goes:

1. First Impressions (self explanatory)
2. Pacing (how well is the story told, if there's even one?)
3. Game Mechanics
4. Balance (this could fall under (3), but especially with something like a shooter, it's important enough to separate it out).
5. Would You Do It All Again? (how good of a game is it, really? This also includes replay value.)

1 Response to New Review Criteria for Video Games

  1. Anonymous says:

    I'm excited to hear that you're finally gonna try and reinvent your blog :)!

    By the way, the cake is not a lie :P

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