What's Spinning My Drive

Xbox 360

I had been playing Mass Effect 2 somewhat, but lately Dragon Age: Origins has been getting the vast bulk of my time. Orzammar is essentially finished--and is easily my favorite part of the game so far. The Deep Roads are (mostly) hack-and-slash, but something about the environment really works for me. Between the ruined architecture and the twists concerning Shale, Branka, and Caridin I really enjoyed those hours of the game.

From there I went to tackle the Circle of Magi main quest--another excellent storyline, especially the rather involved puzzle at its end. Without revealing plot, it's difficult to describe it. I guess I'll call it an 'environmental' puzzle, but it's a lot more involved (in time) than something from an adventure game like Uncharted.

And then there's the discovery I made about Morrighan and her mother. . . . Wow. Great little quest if you picked up the grimoire and you're ready for a tough grind of a boss battle. Almost makes me wonder if I'm ready for the 'high dragon' back in the Andraste's Ashes quest.

As you can see, I've spent quite a bit of time in DA. My play-time is skewed because the clock runs even when you're in a pause screen (and my kids ensure there's a lot of pauses :P), but it says I'm pushing 50 hours now. ^.^

Other than that, my time on the 360 has involved a return to adversarial multi-player in the form of Halo 3 and Modern Warfare 2. Not much of note there except that one match in Halo I was totally pwning-- I accounted for 24 out of my team's 50 kills. The next two matches proceeded to see my team lose 50-15 and 50-10. The Bungie gods keep f***ing with me :P

Playstation 3

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