My Halo 3 wishlist

Halo 3 is an awesome game, but there are things that could be added/changed that would improve the experience.

1. Difficulty Level: at least for me, a somewhat more than casual gamer, Normal is way too easy except during large vehicle battles (especially those involving a Scarab). On the other hand, Heroic--while easier than in previous games--has moments that are absolutely frustrating. Maybe I just suck, but while most Brutes by themselves are quite easy (pop off a few rounds then melee), the Brute chieftains are way to f'ing hard.

2. Multiplayer lobby: can we veto either map or game, not just both. If, for example, Swords on the Pit comes up, a lot of times I want to play swords, just not on the pit. I wish I could veto the map only and keep the game. Vice versa, I might want to play on Epitaph, just not f-ing ninjaball or crazy king. This seems like it would be a simply software patch fix and not a really complex programming issue, but wtf do I know?

3. A related issue which would be cool but would be more complicated is allowing players to select preferred games/maps for each playlist. When I'm in the rumblepit playlist, I like swords, hammerzeit, and mosh pit the best. Why should I have to be beholden to Bungie's default game percentages if there are other gamers out there who share my preferences? If this is done, it should be done by playlist (obviously), since I doubt when I'm on Lone Wolves, I'd have the same preference (where I like straight up slayer). Alternately, on Team Slayer, I really enjoy Team Duals (an option I didn't know existed until it came up on probably my 20th match on that list.
This is a way for players to play more games they like (me: swords, hammers especially) than they don't like (juggernaut, crazy king [even though I'm good at it]) without getting into the really complex options of a custom game.

4. A random gripe
: Why put Cold Storage, a free map, only on playlists which include Legendary Map pack (still paid content)? I really enjoyed playing it the first day or so it came out and Bungie had the separate list, but now--because I'm cheap--I won't play it until if and when the Legendary pack becomes free.

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