On A Halo 3 Kick

Sorry I haven't been updating much lately. My wife and I have been on a bit of a Halo 3 kick, both multiplayer and the campaign. We're trying to beat the campaign co-operatively on Legendary after both getting (temporarily, I'm sure) stuck doing the same on solo.
So far it's been a lot of fun, and though I'm glad there are 'macro' checkpoints (in that you can re-start a co-op campaign at several rally points throughout a level, I wish there were more because sometimes it takes a while to beat a level--the longest so far is Tsavo Highway (about 1:15).
I'm sure that compared with other Halo 3 players, we're pretty sucky, but it's all about the fun, no?
What's interesting too is that while I'm definitely noting differences between Heroic and Legendary, I'm still basically getting stuck at all the same parts. In fact, parts that I used to get stuck at all the time (like where the whole mess of drones appears in Crow's Nest) we got through on the first try.
The hardest parts so far are the same: the first encounter with a full Brute Pack in Crow's Nest took us a good half-hour to beat. Tsavo Highway in general was difficult, but the part where you have to dismount on take on another Brute Pack took us a LONG time (probably 45 minutes or so out of the whole 75 minutes on the level).
The thing I'm realizing more and more: it's all about the headshot. Plus, since Bungie is soo stingy about sniper ammo, I've renewed my appreciation for the BR. I only wish I was better with it in multiplayer. 7 out of 10 times I get pwned when it's BR vs BR. I'll have to rectify that. . . .
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