What's Azriah Up to Now?

I've really been enjoying Halo 3 multiplayer, especially since I've gotten my wife (who's over at Asserting Reality) into it. You should have seen her playing Grifball--jumping up and down and screaming at the people on our various teams who were being idiots. Or, alternately, cursing the few really good teams we encountered. I think, over the two nights we played, we probably won around 70% of the time (with something like 50 matches under our belts). I'd also say that once I got the "ball" I probably scored at least 75% of the time. So, seriously, guys, GIVE ME THE BALL!!
Which, I have to say, is really funny, because the first weekend I encountered the joys of grifball, I was terrified of picking it up. My my, how things change with a little EXP.
An added perk is that, somewhere in between the thrill of competition and the frustration of getting pwned by a cadre of vastly superior players, my wife gets really, really horny. It's great. She's such a little freak, it's awesome. (She'll probably kill me for posting this, but oh well :P).
Somewhere in between grifball and constantly getting pwned in Team Swat I'm starting to wear myself out on Halo 3. Don't get me wrong--I'm still in LOVE with Bungie's awesome game and I'm freakin' out about Halo Wars LCE and the Mythic Map Pack coming in the mail on March 4th, but I'm starting to want to branch out a bit.
So, even though I started Bioshock--which is awesome, btw--I felt like playing a little COD4. So far I've beaten the first two levels on Veteran. It's challenging to some degree, but nowhere near like any of the Halo games on Legendary (esp. solo Legendary). That said, I'm starting to shudder when I think about the TV station clusterf*** and the timed run down the hill to the helo. Any timed run in a FPS is madness. I hate them, because I am just not a run and gun guy. Then again, the sniper mission is probably going to take me a couple hours to beat. I'm a decent sniper, but can I kill 70-100 odd guys in under five minutes? We'll see. . . .
So, anyways, I'll keep y'all posted. I know I've got more games to review and stuff, but I'm just not feelin' it right now. But we'll see.
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