Graduating Past the Deathmatch

In the last few days I've been branching out in my MW2 action. Deathmatches are fun, but I decided to try the playlist Domination. For those not familiar with the game, the basic concept is  that there are three points on the map that you must control. You 'capture' these points by being within several yards of the flag for a few seconds (the more team members at the spot, the faster the capture). Once captured, the team gets points for how long the point stays captured.

Of course, it only stays captured if the enemy lets you have it. They can steal it from you via the same process. A nice touch, though, is that you don't have to have someone inside the zone to maintain control. Once captured, you can retreat to some other point of cover to guard it, or go on the offensive--chancing that the enemy won't get past your flank.

In general each team spawns near one point, with the third in a difficult to guard central location of the map. This creates an interesting ebb-and-flow to the gameplay. Of course, if neither team is particularly interested in defense the matches get chaotic really quickly.

This is a lot of fun! Personal XP is doled out just like in a regular match, but capturing a point is worth 150 versus the standard 50 for a kill. This can really add up. I'm ok in deathmatches, but I'm usually in the top half of lobby members in domination matches. One match last night I racked up 3500+ points, with the nearest down around 2000. Not to be arrogant, but I was impressed with myself :P.

Good teamwork can really devastate an uncoordinated team (I'm usually on the latter :P), and its difficult to make up ground once you're down. But it's added some additional spice to my play sessions. Stealth loses out to running around like a crazy man. Ok, not really crazy, but Marathon (unlimited sprinting) does come in handy.

One frustrating thing was that I had 3 matches almost in a row end early (and thus no XP earned) when the 'server timed out'. WTF? Everyone goes on about the exploits and other balancing glitches, but so far I've been impressed with the network coding versus Halo 3. Bungie's product works well in 4v4, but anything more than that it loses stability--and if a player leaves early, latency rears its ugly head in vicious fashion.

And I'm not even going to mention Gears of War 2. That game should never have been released when it did. The campaign was great, but the multi-player was so bad--and it took Epic so long to fix the coding issues--that I wrote it off. Whenever GoW3 comes out, I'll treat any reviews of its multiplayer with a heavy grain of salt.

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