What's Spinning My Drive

Cool news: I decided to try getting more exposure by also posting some of my more thought-provoking articles on a Gamasutra member blog. My previous post about Conquest v. Domination--the first one I posted--got highlighted as one of the outstanding posts of the week! For proof, head here (mine's number three on the list).

Playstation 3
I got unstuck in the campaign of BC2, but it's hard to play multiplayer matches with the way my kids have been. They're just a bit too long, and inevitably my three-month old wakes up and starts crying before I can finish. The story is starting to unravel a bit. Crash-landing a sattelite within miles of your current location, then saving it from RPG-wielding Russians? And a helicopter? The Uncharted-ish WWII prequel level had me sucked in, but now I'm not so sure about the campaign. . . .

At least a fictional American-Russian war is presented much more plausibly than the out-of-left-field war in MW2. Cool set-pieces, but that's a game whose story really doesn't hold water. . . .

Xbox 360
My wife's playing a ton of Dragon Age lately, and she finally got me back in the mood. Currently doing the Brecilian Forest quest. I really like how the designers have varied the main quest locations (Orzammar, Circle of Magi, and now the Dalish enclave. I've been trying to keep abreast of coverage about the expansions without ruining (too much) of the original storyline. So far I think it's one of Bioware's most successful titles when it comes to character development and story immersion.

And I've been heading a little old school as well: Perhaps it was the coverage at Shacknews of the match-making system overhaul in Halo: Reach or my apparent predilection to ultimately go back to Bungie's addictive multiplayer, but I've been playing a fair amount of Halo 3 lately. I think it's partly the shorter match times jive with my kids acting up :P.

And I'm about to go even more old school. The re-release of Perfect Dark has me totally psyched. I dl'ed the trial version today, but I picked up a points card on Amazon which will go towards that, plus the expansions for DA.

I'll keep you updated!

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